I will never buy Hyundai again
This vehicle should not be sold in California without proper warning regarding the MPG. I was lucky to get 32/35 mpg, in NC I get 41/42. The dealership, when I discussed this with them, would just say "it's common sense you aren't going to get that...they drive this car around a level track to get the mpg". Oh, forgive me...My fault. You told me it would get the same as a prius. They only cared about the sale. Don't even get me started on the service department. Window tint is bubbling, they broke a piece of the console putting my car back together (had to bring it in again to fix that), didn't do services they recommended and said they'd complete, threw away a part that cost thousands to order, I could go on forever. I hate this car, but the resale is so low it's not worth getting rid of it after I put $10,000 down on it.