Santa Fe Limited top of the line
The major complaint is the safety warnings. There is a cacophony of various beep and buzzes. I tend to drive to the right so as to stay away from oncoming traffic. The right warning beep, especially on a two lane road is really annoying. I don't want to turn it off because of the possibility of seriously wandering but the setting is too tight, too sensitive. Oddly, the left side is less sensitive and allows me to approach the left lane too closely before it alerts me. The smart cruise control is too smart. If someone is turning off the road to the right and even the slightest bit of their car is still in the sensor's sight it brakes exceptionally hard then immediately releases the brake to jack rabbit accelerate back to my cruise setting. If I intentionally go faster that the cruise control setting the car seems to be braking while I am accelerating. I know what I am doing but the car is fighting me. I know this because if, while I am accelerating, I turn off the cruise control suddenly the car moves more quickly and freely. I can literally feel the release. My old car with dumb cruise control said, "Oh he is accelerating so I will turn off. He can reset when ready. It didn't fight me like it knew better. Remember, I am the driver not the car. Their are times when I want to go beyond my setting and I don't want to fight the car to do that. I will make a left hand turn in a two lanes are turning situation. The car is alarming me that their is someone on my left. I know that. Again, too smart for it's own good. I approach the car and hit the door unlock on the key fob twice, unlocking the passenger side door but if I open the driver's side first the passenger door immediately locks. Why would it do that? I want it unlocked. I told it to unlock but again the car is smarter than I am and locks the door. Very frustrating especially for my wife who gets to the door, only a second behind me, to find the door locked. I have to fumble around for the little button on the armrest near the window and mirror controls, especially at night and especially when it is raining and get her door unlocked by hitting the right little button in that area. It may seem small but when your in the pouring rain its a real problem. Especially since I told the car to unlock that door specifically.