Love this thing.
I'm very happy with this vehicle. It handles well, I'm getting better mileage than I expected, and it holds a lot (like 1000 lbs of concrete pavers or a twin mattress). It's the largest vehicle I've owned in a long time, but I still find it fun to drive. The moonroof and heated seats (a splurge for myself) are super fun. Despite the small rant about to follow, I am very happy with this automobile.
I dislike the command center with the NAV and entertainment system in it. Seems way over-engineered, and like a well intended effort to keep drivers looking at the road made things much less user-friendly and, ironically, distracting. In particular, the waiver that appears when you power up and warns you not to get distracted, which cannot be dismissed earlier, is quite annoying and does NOT make me LESS distracted.