When I retired I thought I would treat myself to a luxury SUV, I'm disappointed in my choice. After driving a Mercury Mountaineer for almost eleven years and experiencing the comfort, smooth ride, roomy seats, roomy interior and a great remote starter (used key fob right from house never failed once) this SUV fell short on these features. Tires that are starting to wear at 19K miles on a 30k milage three year lease. It's a nice looking car however I could have brought/leased a number of same size SUVs for a lot less. I once parked next to someone with the exact same MBGLC300 we compared notes and arrived at very much the same conclusion on the pros and cons of this vehicle. I was also disappointed with the reaction/attitude of the salesperson when I told him I would not be purchasing another one. Some may have had a different experience however this is my experience. So my retirement gift to myself didn't pan out. I am disappointed.