Let down
I was very disappointed that this vehicle did not live up to my expectations. I was fooled by all the marketing. For 61 years I have been driving American cars from Phila. to California and back, from Phila. to Canada and Florida and back. Never in all of my years of driving have I had to replace an axle or replace a timing chain. After a little over 100,000 miles I've had to replace an axle, My next bill will be for a wheel joint and then I'm facing a timing belt within the next 18,000 miles at a great cost to me. No matter how carefully I drive I still will have to replace the timing belt because it was not built to last. I drove a Chevy Lumina APV up to 300,000 mile and ever had to replace either. My suggestion is to get rid of one when you reach 1000,000 miles