Net Promoter® NPS®, NPS Prism® et les émoticônes associées au NPS sont des marques déposées de Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. et Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score™ et Net Promoter System™ sont des marques de service de Bain & Company, Inc. et Fred Reichheld.
I was about a mile or so down the road and SMOKE started coming inside my truck. LOTS of smoke! There were no lights on my dash and the temp gauge was fine. I pulled over and lifted the hood. After the smoke cleared, I looked at my engine and oddly enough, the entire right side was SPOTLESS as if it was washed down and detailed. The left side was still dusty like a 140K mile engine would look like. It appears they either put too much oil in or spilled it all over the engine and tried to clean it up. There was a small puddle of oil on the ground from the extra runoff of oil.
This is absolutely INEXCUSABLE to do this and not tell the customer. All they had to say was we made a mistake and spilled some oil. We tried to clean it but you may see some smoke. But no! They obviously tried to clean it up and not tell me anything.
This was and will be the LAST time I get service at your business.